Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mahalia and Jimmy Barnes at The House Of Blues in LA!

Last night Dan and I went along to The House Of Blues here on Sunset
to catch Mahalia Barnes' first gig in the U.S - followed by a top notch set from her dad, Jimmy - who happens to be an Australian rock icon. It was fantastic!! Mahalia wailed with her soul and blues infused set and Jimmy let loose with some of his classics that have pretty much defined the Aussie Rock genre over the last 20 years. The room was packed with smiling, very Aussie looking faces. The air of excitement and pride was palpable as the band launched into classics like Khe San, Lay Down Your Guns and Working Class Man. Thanks for a great night, Jim!

ps! Mahalia's new album is available in the U.S on iTunes USA.