Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome to The World Inside

So the web site, is up and "Shadow Wine and Truth Lilies" is on sale, too! Even though the official release date is still just around the corner... Thanks for stopping by and checking it out! And thank you for all the inquiries about how to buy the new record. Hopefully you'll find our pay pal facility easy to use. As you can probably tell from my blogs I'm so psyched to have the record done and out in the world! And I can't help feeling relieved that mum and dad seem to like it, too. It's very un rock n roll of me to still enjoy my parent's approval, isn't it?! Although, I'm not able to do everything the way they'd like it... It's really funny, every time I tell mum about an interview or something I have the chance to do she says "oh, that's nice! Just don't swear when you're talking to them! Be nice..." Well, I'm not gonna make any guarantees there! lol.

It always surprises me to hear which tracks and songs people like most. Like with my 66 year old dad who'se sung trad country for 30 years - his favourite is not the mellow stuff, it's the more in your face single about life being "hard core", You Can Call Me "Baby". Bizarre, hey? It'll be interesting to see what people, especially in the music industry, think of the style of stuff I'm writing and singing now... I think there's this misconception floating around that because my brother, Lee and sister, Tania, are so well known for singing country that I must surely be a country singer, too. But I think it'd be flat out misleading and unfair to let people think that "Shadow Wine and Truth Lilies" is a country record. Oh, speaking of which! There's a Facebook group you might wanna check out called "Can It Be Kernaghan and Not Country?" Well, anyway...let's not obsess too much about labels and definitions here. It'd be cool if you could just let the music happen to you. And if you can make it to one of the upcoming gigs - I hope you can come and let yourself happen to me.

Rugby tackle happiness to the ground, groovers!


Mari said...

Just listened to the snippets of your songs on your website and I think they're great! Can't pick a favourite yet from the snippets, but will get the album. Best of luck with the launch at The Basement!!

Fiona Kernaghan said...

Hi, Mari! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and thinking about buying the record. I can't tell you how exciting that is for me. And to think someone else might see themselves reflected in the songs or just enjoy the same emotional landscape as me or just like what we've created! Wow. Please do come and say hi at The Basement if you make it to the gig. I was just looking at your blogs and profile and I SO relate... Yes I'm one of those people who am more likely to be found at a book store or searching for the nearest chocolate shop... lol. Are there any good ones in Sydney that Dan and I should check out when we're down there?

John said...

Dropping in to return the favour, I like the sound of your music, so from Old South Wales to New South Wales I send a "g'day" thanks for checking in, good luck with the album!

Myrtille said...

Hey Mari.Thanks for your comment on my blog.If you leave me your email,I could answer your request!

blupken said...


First of all, thank you so much for finding my blog, reading at least my one post and hopefully some of the others too. If you scrolled down through the daily posts of the last six weeks, you can see that I have been writing voraciously, except for the time I was in Boston on vacation (do you call it on holiday?). I have been waiting for my first unsolicited comment from anywhere in the world and YOU ARE IT. Thank you so much. Moreover, to find out that you are a songwriter and music artist from a "far-away land" makes it all the more exciting for me. In answer to your question about my songwriting, I have to be honest and tell you that I haven't done much writing in quite some time. I play keyboards and guitar (sort of) and I have written maybe 30 songs in my time. They are in various states of condition though. My strongest area is lyrics. With a lifetime of experience in this world I have a lot on which to draw. Many of my song lyrics came from existing poems. I have at least 50 of those laying around. I have thought of publishing a book of poems but can't seem to get off my butt and do it. Sorry, but as of this writing I have not had a chance to listen to your album, but I like the cover - very nice! WIthin the next few days as I get some time I will make sure that I listen to some of your songs. From what I'm reading in your profile and in your blog, I have no doubt that it will be very fine.

Thanks again to my first commentor,

Mari said...

Hi Fiona
happy to give my personal recommendation to these chocolate shops:
Jeff de Bruges, 105 King street (Belgian..mmmmm...)
Haighs chocolate in the Strand arcade (Australian). Hope you find the time to indulge while you're donw in Sydney!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona.. thanks for you comment on my Hamster Wheel blog. That was soooo funny, because I completely forgot it was "out there." Gosh, I haven't posted on it in more than a year!! BUT, if you find yourself attracted to my writings on Hamster... you'll really love, my "real" blog!

I look forward to hearing more from you!


~ Pamela