Monday, October 8, 2007

Womans Day Magazine, happiness and sexy weather...

Geez, weeks have been pouring past like days lately… I can’t remember being this busy ever! I am starting to miss my sloth days! Anyway, to keep yas all in the loop, on Friday afternoon I did an interview with a magazine down here in Australia called “Womans Day”. I’ve never done an interview with a magazine like that before. It’s the kind that you see at every check out register along with the candy bars and impulse buys at the super market- usually has a story about Jenn and Brad and Angelina on the front or some such tantalizing news… The magazine asked for my brother, Lee, and sister, Tania, (who as you may know are both country singers here in Oz) to be involved because they wanted to know what Lee and Tania thought of me being back doing music and performing and after all my music is quite different to what they do and what do they think about that?.. I was more nervous about Lee being there than anything… I think I was nervous because he was concerned I was gonna talk too much about sex, drugs and rock n roll or something. Or antidepressants. Lol! Anyway… I hoped to set a celebratory tone so Dan and I had a cold bottle of Moet here for Glen (the journalist) and his photographer, Dave, when they arrived. We had a nice chat and I think we all enjoyed the champers. They got some great pics of Tan and Lee and I and me with my new Maton guitar as well! (Yeah, Maton Guitars make hand crafted guitars here in Australia and have just given me an endorsement deal and a beautiful new CW80 cutaway. Awesome!)

Glen did ask me quite a bit about the time I was fucked up by what turned out to be “clinical depression”. In hindsight, I really hope it doesn’t come off sounding like I’ve been depressed the whole time I’ve been in the States – like 10 years! Lol. I learned from the interview that I need to be more specific about when that all went down. Really it was 2000, worsening through til 2002 when after crying every day for about a year I realized this was not normal and I may not be naturally psycho so I finally went to a shrink and acknowledged there was a problem and began to dig MYSELF out of that hole. I’m happy to report that things have been on the up and up ever since! Actually, working on songs for Tania’s album, “Higher Ground”, from 2004 on helped a lot in my recovery and inspired me to write for myself again, too. Then spending more time back in Australia in 2006 helped, then writing and recording my record, “Shadow Wine and Truth Lilies” this year was, I believe, the final piece in the puzzle and completed my picture as it is now. Which is pretty much me having minor anxiety disorder symptoms from time (doesn’t everybody?!) but that’s nothing sex, wine, chocolate and music can’t take care of – and being happy as anything the rest of the time. He he. I think the Womans Day piece will be generally upbeat and realistic, though. Fingers crossed. Glen Williams seemed like an excellent guy.

Since then Dan and I’ve been rehearsing songs for our gig at The Basement next week – which is the “official” album launch. I can’t wait! It’s one thing to ponder over songs and choruses and things forever at home alone but it’s quite another to play ‘em to real live people! I feel like it’s quite bonding, actually. Some kind of ephemeral connection gets formed between us – singer and audience. Maybe it’s just the classic transfer of energy that I’m thinking of. Either way it’s groovy.

On a more tangible note, we’ve just started having these fantastic summer storms rolling past here in Queensland. The other night when I got home with some Red Rooster take away Dan and I sat out on the balcony and ate it by candlelight with the lightening performing for us and thunder rumbling in the distance. Big fat raindrops started to plop down and it was that kind of tropical weather where it’s raining but still warm. That’s gotta be the sexiest weather, hasn’t it? Well anyway, I’m gonna go and watch Californication now. Our new favorite show. I like how it reminds me of life in LA and I have such a crush on that bloody Hank now!


Thea said...

Hello Fiona.
Congratulations and here is my album launch gift to you. I wish you huge success with it.
Cheers, Thea

Mari said...

Your album arrived in my postbox today. What a treat! There's some great material there. At the moment I like "Where the Wild things are" and - of course - the chocolate song!

Thea said...

You may not find your launch gift now, it has moved down the page so here's the direct link.
Cheers, Thea